Tag Archives: Gravity falls is the new community

Gravity Falls is the new Community

1 Apr


Look, it’s gotta be said.

Community isn’t really that funny anymore. 


This saddens me after The Guild ended and I’m still feeling the hurt that 30 Rock is over.

But I miss Dan Harmon.

I miss the old characters, going just that extra step further … something they seem to be missing.

Even with some bang up guest stars this season and an Inspector Timespace episode.


I still watch it.

I still DVR it, but I delete it when it’s done.

No longer does it sit on my list, waiting to be watched, rewatched, laughed at, new things noticed….


I have however picked up Gravity Falls on a regular rotation.  (you really DO notice lots of new things on a rewatch)

and New Girl has had some really good ones lately.


In the meantime, it might be time to pour a 40 for Community.